Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A.1: An Interview About Learning Development
I interviewed my mom about my learning development over the years.

Q: How often did I read?
A: You have always loved to read. You used to make me read to you all the time. I always encouraged you to read and you learned to read at a pretty early age.

Q: What subjects did I like?
A: Throughout school, I remember you being interested in science and math. You talked about loving science and math every since you were in elementary school. You weren’t too fond of english or history.

Q: What type of student was I?
A: Very studious and determined to do the best possible. You were very hard on yourself and made sure you succeeded in your schoolwork. I never had to tell you to do anything when it came to schoolwork.

Q: Was I eager about school and learning?
A: For the most part. There were those days when you complained about going to school, but what kid doesn’t do that. You’ve always wanted to learn and been serious about your education.

Q: What was my preferred learning and study environment?
A: For as long as I can remember, you have to complete silence to study. You had trouble concentrating and getting your work done if you had distractions.

Q: How often did I study?
A: You always made sure your homework was done and always studied thoroughly for tests.

Q: What did I do outside of school?
A: In elementary school, you were in the chorus and you played softball and soccer. In middle school and high school, you played basketball and tennis. You like to hang out with friends, too.

Q: What career do you see me pursuing?
A: I definitely think you will end up the science field. You have always been so intrigued with science.

Q: What do you think my learning style was?
A: I think you need clear instructions and you are very organized.

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